Business Report 2023



Image of Pauline Leclerc-Glorieux,Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Cardif

Building the insurance solutions of tomorrow together

Pauline Leclerc-Glorieux,Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Cardif

In 2023, BNP Paribas Cardif marked 50 years in the insurance business. This milestone offered a perfect occasion to join together and celebrate half a century of our truly unique partnership approach to making savings and insurance products available to people across the globe. Thank you for your confidence. We will continue to work very hard to merit it!

Last year proved unprecedented for all of us, notably due to an unstable geopolitical environment and inflation, the effects of which have been felt everywhere in the world. As a committed partner that is always there to support you, we are more mobilised than ever to help you care for your clients. We know that people continue to have substantial needs for protection, and we know that our products enable people to realise their plans, at the same time acting as effective strategic levers for differentiation and business growth. This is why, each year, we work closely with you as we imagine the best possible insurance solutions together, bringing you and your clients the benefits of our extensive and proven expertise.

GROWTH. Insurance projects that support your growth trajectory and deliver more value to your clients.

We support your strategy to execute your transformation and build customer loyalty by regularly enriching our portfolio of protection insurance and savings solutions, by elevating our quality of service, and by designing products that seamlessly integrate your sales environment. Customer satisfaction figures at the very heart of our value proposition. Our products are always designed to be even simpler to use and even easier to understand and purchase, thanks to a fluid process, from subscription to submitting a claim.

TECHNOLOGY. Proven technical and technological expertise to optimise your experience and make the purchasing process even more intuitive for your clients.

Your clients live in a constantly changing world, and their consumption habits are changing as well. Our priority is to ensure that our distribution modes continually evolve in order to propose an omnichannel purchase experience that is as simple and immediate as possible, and which is 100% available online from any device. BNP Paribas Cardif also continues to innovate, in particular by leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data to conceive sales, management and reporting solutions that drive ever-greater performance. This makes it possible to more precisely target personal insurance needs and boost revenue streams for our distribution partners.

SUSTAINABILITY. Amplify our positive impact and that of our partners for clients and for society as a whole.

We have an obligation to be exemplary in meeting our responsibilities to you and your clients, and to society as a whole. We fulfil these responsibilities in line with our core mission: to make insurance more accessible. We are committed to amplifying our positive impact by making our pricing more equitable and inclusive, by improving our coverage – and thus our value proposition – and by strengthening our actions to fight climate change. We firmly believe that this positive impact will not only enrich and deepen our collaboration, but will also constitute a pillar that supports the confidence of your clients.

We are proud to be continuing this adventure with you at our side. Together, we are excited at the prospect of celebrating the deployment of the insurance of tomorrow for the coming 50 years!