Business Report 2023




Leveraging technology to improve online accessibility for visually impaired users

The Accessiway web plugin developed for BNP Paribas Cardif’s Italian website makes information easily accessible to clients with visual impairments.

Available in 20 languages, the ready-to-use solution deploys AI and an accessibility interface to allow users to change parameters according to their preferences. With this improved digital customer experience, visual and behavioural impairments are no longer obstacles to accessing relevant and essential information.

“The technology plugged into our website can be precisely customised by each individual to accommodate any type of impairment, whether cognitive, behavioural, or physical. What’s more, the UX/UI design we developed facilitates the user journey in terms of contrast, font, and shades. A more inclusive website is thus accessible to everyone, and this makes our insurance offer, corporate profile, contacts, and after-sales services accessible in a faster and easier manner for everyone,”

says Emanuele Bonetti,Head of Digital Customer Experience, BNP Paribas Cardif in Italy




While Japan does not recognise same-sex unions, BNP Paribas Cardif in Japan took a step towards inclusion and equality by extending the scope of spousal coverage for same-sex couples who are customers of seven partner banks. For the first time in the country, and twelve years after the initial launch of the product, same-sex couples are now treated the same as their heterosexual peers. Regardless of their gender, spouses of mortgage borrowers can now obtain cover following a diagnosis of cancer or in case of hospitalisation due to illness or injury.

“Currently the CPI spousal rider of our competitors applies only to people who are in legally marital and de facto marital relationships. Thanks to this new product, loan borrowers’ same-sex partners can now be enrolled as a spouse. This product has two main benefits: one is to enable our partners to improve their competitiveness, and the other is to contribute to promoting a financially inclusive society. Our partners can also use this product as a competitive advantage, since they can easily introduce it with low implementation costs. For their customers, we make necessary insurance coverage accessible to more people. We feel this is aligned with our mission to make insurance more accessible,”

says Takamasa Namioka,Product Manager, BNP Paribas Cardif in Japan